New Age Garlic Crew

Wednesday, January 31, 2007


its wednesday!


okay. that was random.
i'm just plain bored.
tch tch tch.

Monday, January 22, 2007

it's raining

hey my garlic crew! really really many thanks to you peeps!! (i wanted to use girls but decided to let jh off since he's also at garlic today HAHA!)

i still can't believe it man!! we saw him!!!!! i saw him!!!!!!! so near so close!!!!!!! he's like so charming!!! he's real!!!!! HAHA!! it's like i never ever dream of even seeing him in spore n there he was! jus right outside jang shou walking so near us!!!! haiyo..see..i really can't sleep rite? it's duno wad time now n im still blogging! hahaha!!

anyway, really wanna thanks u peeps man!! for accompanying me to see rain, for kept on trying to help me get his autographs and many more! it's not exactly just to accompany me bt yea, at least u all are there so that i won't be waiting for rain alone ya?! haha!! really thanks man! i love u ppl!!

i love rain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i am seriously contented!! he rocks! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! =D

Monday, January 15, 2007

my oh my.

okay. i feel so weak now. i NEED fish and chips!
i hate soft food.
i hate to cut my noodles into shreds then swallow them.

braces ah braces, you might be giving me beauuuuuutiful teeth (like Max's, hoho.) at the end of two years, but you're giving me hell now.
and i feel under nourished every single day.
guess i got to stock up my fruit juices.

anyway, in less than three weeks time, Garlic will no longer be around.
i was thinking, if we cant work on the last day,
at the very least, we should be present at garlic right?
like for a meal or just to say goodbye.
garlic will be missed, and it shall always stay in our hearts.

angie tan.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

schedule for this week

hey garlicians! this is the work schedule for this week!

Geok Ting : Friday 6-10pm
Angie : Saturday 6-10pm , Sunday 6-10pm
Jia Hui : Tuesday 6-10pm , Wednesday 6-10pm , Friday 6-10pm
Qiu Yiong : Tuesday 6-10pm , Wednesday 6-10pm
Pei Yu : Tuesday 11-3pm , Wednesday Split , Saturday 6-10pm