New Age Garlic Crew

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Hello,Friends,how I missed all of y'all!

Hey there!Im glad i could leave messages here, and how I missed y'all.Im in Oklahoma now,and my class started today.Oklahoma's been great,had a snow storm last thursday and its all snow and white all over,temps' below ten and low as -3 at nite,its chilly, its dry of coourse,everytime after i bath i'll have to put on moisterizers and trust me,get moisturizers from that country with winter,those from Singapore wont work.

Well,the things that i hate most is to share a room with people that do not have self consciousness at all,they are not neat and they dun pack things,basically they dun keep things tidy,there are two girls in our room like this.HATE! Luckily my garlic crew aint like this,if not i'm going to ditch my crew.Sorry gotta go.


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