New Age Garlic Crew

Saturday, March 31, 2007

How bad my morning was,but thanks to the Malaysian colleagues who killed my boredom with me

On man,was a hard day at Jang Shou for me today ,crashed with that Golden Flower(jinhua) of Jang Shou.ITs really the curse of the golden flower.Damn, was helping to mop out the flooded floor and she asked me to put away the mop,decided not to listen to her,i continued doing the mopping,then she said something like dunno how to listen to words or whatever,feel like just kicking the bucket and let the water over the floor again. She is one hell of a big Fan1 Shu3(potato). In a fit of fury,I just told the girl, Limin, cut me off next week's schedule,and I told her straight in the face,this place's management sucks and I dislike the people here (I feel im kinda Jonathon here..hahah)when she asked me why.

Anyway since Eric left,there are so many "bosses" around, example D*n,Li**n,Br**da...
That Br**da is an emo animal too,sometimes with that hell-nobody-cares smiles and sometimes with her "charcoled"face..and somehow she just thinks she is very "chio". Even SAlena more chio than here a hundred million times!and hell no one would want to molest her for goodness sake.My god,there are just so many weirdos around.THe Malaysians are better, luckily they speak canto and I just complained to them,they hate the old staffs too coz they were often bullied by them.

The poly students to be are better,they are less fussy and know when to stop,kinda more flex in their work. I hope these days can be over soon.

Broccoli KwaNG

Tuesday, March 27, 2007


i absolutely, totally, desperately, fantastically, stupidly cant believe i told jonathan about bernard.
it was just a slip of the tongue.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

nong nong ago.

all these photos were taken during valentine's 07.
long ago photos.
since i'm so bored cos i'm done with my tutorials, i'll post them up!
ps: this is a dupliate of what i posted on my blog, again!

you know, i get very ugly photos of me taken. esp when the photographer is audrey. -_-''''
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and i realized jiahui looks the same when he's acting cool.
1! with his beloved salena.
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2! with the unwanted me. :(
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3! with all of us.
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and he always smile like that, TRYING TO MAKE US LOOK OLD IS IT?!??! WXYZ.
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so we decided, if we cant fight him, we'll join him!
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the pretty us! ok lah, i hear salena vomiting. excluding me can!
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i dont know what qiu yiong's trying to eat here. maybe freshen her breadth?? hahah kidding!
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i think geok ting fell asleep huh. hahahha

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the two of us were happily taking photos, until...

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and i found my twin on the train.

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HAH! finally not wasted looking.

posted by, yours truly.
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Friday, March 16, 2007

i dont know what title to put.

okay. so today, me and jiahui went down to novena square, han sang for training.
the place is not that bad, with a relatively good concept.
but i feel that they're trying to do too many things, and this is a total waste of resources.
and the guy, k****n, dont know anything at all.
he's like more incompetent that our dear r*****d.
and he couldnt answer my question as to how the whole system works.
and i HATE HIM.
i know he dont like me either.
cos when the rest were writing their schedule, he told me and jiahui to leave, and that he'll call us when the restaurant opens officially.
not that i am that keen to work there either.

okay if you read anything posted before this, forget it.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

say J-I-R-O!

escape on sunday was very fun.
it would have been better if the rides were more thrilling.
we went on the revolution, rainbow and viking rides for the millionth time, before we were barred because they were closing at 8pm.
peiyu's hilarious expression on the viking.
qiu yiong's incessant screaming on the rainbow rides.
jiahui's "act calm" face on every ride that requires him to be brought at least 1metre of the ground.
audrey's soaked face and complains on the water slide.
salena's ever so exaggerating toppling moves on the rainbow rides.
mandy's last minute panicky complains.
but i think we spent most of our time laughing, well, I spent most of the time doing that.

p.s: this is a copy of what i posted on my blog. too lazy to type a new one.

and eh! this blog has been stagnant for so long!
