New Age Garlic Crew

Thursday, March 15, 2007

say J-I-R-O!

escape on sunday was very fun.
it would have been better if the rides were more thrilling.
we went on the revolution, rainbow and viking rides for the millionth time, before we were barred because they were closing at 8pm.
peiyu's hilarious expression on the viking.
qiu yiong's incessant screaming on the rainbow rides.
jiahui's "act calm" face on every ride that requires him to be brought at least 1metre of the ground.
audrey's soaked face and complains on the water slide.
salena's ever so exaggerating toppling moves on the rainbow rides.
mandy's last minute panicky complains.
but i think we spent most of our time laughing, well, I spent most of the time doing that.

p.s: this is a copy of what i posted on my blog. too lazy to type a new one.

and eh! this blog has been stagnant for so long!



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