New Age Garlic Crew

Monday, May 28, 2007

Well today was hot but fun and "filling"

HAha it was a hot and stuffy day for us to go picnic at Haw Par Villa,but I thought it was a great idea me, but I think its a place we wont go any other day but after 10 years or more, and having picnic there was an event that probably wont even take place once in a year.Though a bit scary, looked abit deserted too, it was okay. We did have some fun moments too,tying ribbons and more haha...

Look here - Geok with her small little present- Lucy from Peanuts
Peiyu with the big smile on her face

Here - with abit of singing and clapping to the birthday song and

And..victory for cutting her jello cake

Then a picture together -

I guess we didnt enjoy Jang Shou food as much, as we all seem too full to have that appetite to eat much more. It was disappointing lettuces left at all,wth@#$%^&*. Fortunately we got 50 percent off, and Salena didnt complain much too so it was alright. Anyway Angie saw her Him Chean too.

What happened earlier in the evening:

Peiyu was sad the whole day but when she went to meet her bf, she turned happy.

Peiyu with her BF at the bay- Mr turtleson Jr.

Though he has a long neck but its okay.
They had a wonderful night under the moonlight and nite scenery.

Mr Turtleson Jr. ,sitting leisurely with Peiyu

Haha but somehow..we found something,

Two love rivals and Mr Turtleson Jr.

New love rival Amanda Loo was flirting with Mr Turtleson Jr.

Attempting to kiss him.

Helping him with his phone...wei~wei~

And him kissing her on her cheek.

Peiyu was mad of course so she asked her boisterous and gangsterous friend

Seet Na In (Korean - na in means nei4 ren2) to help her solve the problem.

So when Seet Na In was off work from goong (palace),she came immediately to help Peiyu.

Seet Na in chopped Peiyu's love rival's head and put Turtleson imitation doll head on

Amanda Loo.

Peiyu got her Turtleson Jr. back and so happily they sat next to each other for celebration in the restaurant.

End of story...haha...nice? Cool right?

P.S and that China boy who CMI, please leave before my eyes wahahah...

Tuesday, May 22, 2007


raymond is such an ass.
cant wait for him to get sacked.
kelvin is such an ass.
cant wait for him to get sacked.

and i am working for two dumbass,
that makes me an ass too.



Monday, May 21, 2007

Outing? Anyone? I'm Bored...

Hey everybody, when are we gng on trips ?

Lists of places

- Haw Par Villa
- Pulau Ubin
- Bukit Timah Hill

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Good news for Angie Tan!

Good news for u Angie! Hyun Bin has parted with his GF two months ago.

현빈은 "당신은 저에게 힘을 주는 사람입니다. 당신은 제가 있게 해준 사람입니다. 당신은 저를 울리는 사람입니다. 당신은 저를 웃게 하는 사람입니다"고 말했다.그는 이어 "당신은 항상 행복해야 하는 사람입니다. 당신은 저보다 더 많이 사랑 받아야 되는 사람입니다. 당신은 소중한 사람입니다. 그동안 당신 때문에 많이 웃었고 당신 때문에... 당신 때문에 행복했었어요"라고 밝혔다.
He left a message on the 29th on his blog titled"You"
Let me translate the contents for the above paragraph; (from his blog)
You - are the one who will give me strength. You are the one who will give me help. You are the one I would cry for. You are the one who will give me smiles. You are the one who will do anything for happiness. You gave me more love than I gave you. You are a precious one. You are the one who at times gave me lots of smiles and happiness and because of you.
So sweet Hyun Bin! I'd hope he would say this to me...
So how do u think of Hyun Bin now..