New Age Garlic Crew

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Good news for Angie Tan!

Good news for u Angie! Hyun Bin has parted with his GF two months ago.

현빈은 "당신은 저에게 힘을 주는 사람입니다. 당신은 제가 있게 해준 사람입니다. 당신은 저를 울리는 사람입니다. 당신은 저를 웃게 하는 사람입니다"고 말했다.그는 이어 "당신은 항상 행복해야 하는 사람입니다. 당신은 저보다 더 많이 사랑 받아야 되는 사람입니다. 당신은 소중한 사람입니다. 그동안 당신 때문에 많이 웃었고 당신 때문에... 당신 때문에 행복했었어요"라고 밝혔다.
He left a message on the 29th on his blog titled"You"
Let me translate the contents for the above paragraph; (from his blog)
You - are the one who will give me strength. You are the one who will give me help. You are the one I would cry for. You are the one who will give me smiles. You are the one who will do anything for happiness. You gave me more love than I gave you. You are a precious one. You are the one who at times gave me lots of smiles and happiness and because of you.
So sweet Hyun Bin! I'd hope he would say this to me...
So how do u think of Hyun Bin now..


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