New Age Garlic Crew

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Anyone care to meet up soon?

Hmm..everyone update yourselves on this board on what y'all have been up to lately..ain't getting any news of y'all guys after the steamboat.


  • At Thursday, February 28, 2008 9:45:00 AM, Blogger Garlic Restaurant said…

    haha yes i wanna meet up with you guys soon! haven't seen you all for so long. probably we could meet up on a friday or saturday night for dinner or supper!or weekdays like tuesday or thursday night?? sunday night also can!

    By the way girls, any of you interested in joining KAYAKING STAR 1 COURSE? ITS ON THE 15TH AND 16TH OF MARCH,FROM AROUND MORNING TO NOON TIME,VENUE IS EITHER AT KALLANG BASIN OR MACRITCHIE RESERVOIR,PRICE IS $45. haha my club needs to recruit more for this can get to learn capsize drills,different strokes,rescue drills.haha if interested let me know ya? thanks!! paddle on!


  • At Saturday, March 01, 2008 2:55:00 PM, Blogger angie said…

    why not you all come join my dragonboat team? we need more ladies! hahahha. its $20 a month, paddles, life vest and jersey are fully/partially subsidized by the Eurasian Association. hahaha.

    oh, and i'll throw in a hot coach as well, interested?
    paddles up!


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