New Age Garlic Crew

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

life's like that.

ok for audrey's sake, and the fact that i have so much time to waste, i shall update on our lives. of course, these are just superficial stuff that i know la.

so, one day, while me and peiyu were working at garlic, we saw this advertisement for st james, wanting to hire some servers. and after that, peiyu accidentally heard raymond saying that some tenants will be coming over to garlic, perhaps, to take over the restaurant. it will be changed into a chinese concept restaurant. and raymond sounded quite sure that garlic was going to fold. thus in a frenzy, me and peiyu recalled st james!

then all six of us, decided ti give it a try. me, peiyu, qiu yiong, jiahui, salena and geok ting. we reached st james and only four of us applied, the three jurong kids and me. we were told to wait to a call after the interview. but only i received a call, and i went for training alone the next day. of course, by now you woud have known that i had called it an end to that job.
now, we'll still be jobless if garlic folds. haha.

individual updates.

first and foremost, JIAHUI.
cos he's the most irritating.

JIAHUI: so jiahui has another crush recently. a girl called xinyi from DXO. she is some kind of manager there, skinny, quite tall, not bad looking, smokes alot, talks in high pitched voice and most importantly, QUITE OLD. well, now you know why he is attracted to her! haha. and so, he's like the old me, volunteering himself for each and every function in DXO.

SALENA: this lady here and jiahui are official enemies. they quarrel with each other every time they meet. sigh. but salena has been quite busy with school work, with three assignments on hand. she is having a bad time with her neighbours, whom are super unreasonable. however, she's still as humorous as ever, and you ccan see her cheekbones now! which means, she slimmed down quite a lot.

PEIYU: still looking as blur. just came back from china and enjoyed the trip thoroughly. super tanned now, and was so shy when she saw micheal dining in our restaurant. working almost everyday.

QIU YIONG: been missing for quite some time. last spotted hanging out with gabriel at orchard! haha, okay, that was made up. but gabriel is the current "lead actor" in her gossip life! hahaa.

GEOK TING: lat time i heard she wasnt feeling well. and she met a girl whom she dont like during one of the DXO function. having holidays soon and i think she cant wait for that day to come. haha. still a soccer fanatic.

AMANDA: super busy. attends so many orientation camps/planning them. aiya, she's too kaypo la. join so many things. involved in softball and air rifle and i dont know what else. looked like a gold fish last week due to extraction of wisdom teeth, four of them. no progress with regard to her love life, although she has so many guys after her, though not all are eligible. ahah.

JONATHAN: MIA. haven seen him since the send off. haha.

ME: i am putting braces real soon. but i think the dentist is quite blur, cos he dont know any single thing about the prices. results are coming out soon, and i think i'll do badly. but anyway, i am over bernard already la. no progress in spotting cute guys either. oh actually, i think there is one. the cute korean guy at jang shou. super super cute! but he is so short. and he is 20 years old. hahaha. he's the boss's son, so he's rich and cute leh. hahah. i think thats about all!

GARLIC RESTAURANT: business is still as poor, news that its closing down have not been confirmed. GM and OM are in conflict, suaning each other OPENLY in front of their poor subordinates. pay still as low. food still as terrible looking. service still as GOOD. haha.

thats all audrey. i got to run! i am late in meeting my friend! ahaha. and get my jeans hor! if you need me to transfer money to your account, just message me the acc number!


  • At Tuesday, December 26, 2006 7:30:00 PM, Blogger Garlic Restaurant said…

    HAHAHAHAHAHHA!!! *clap clap clap clap* well done angie!! bt this is really basically our lives now! except that gabriel is nt the male lead in my love life -_-" HAHA!! really broccoli, he's just a close sec sch fren of mine! haha!! =)

    and now im back to garlic working!! after resting for really quite some time! n there's quite a number of newcomers in our restaurant! when broccoli comes back all 8 of us go find other job! HAHAHAHA!!

    -Y ya-


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